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New Year, New Smile: Why 2024 is the Perfect Time to Start Children’s Braces

New Year, New Smile: Why 2024 is the Perfect Time to Start Children’s Braces


As the new year begins, it's a great time to set positive goals, especially regarding your family's health. This is especially true when it comes to our children.

If you've been thinking about braces for your child, there are some important considerations to remember. Braces are not just about getting those picture-perfect smiles. They will also boost your child's confidence while significantly contributing to their long-term oral health.

Fortunately, advances in orthodontics lately have been remarkable. Most likely, it's very different from when you were a kid. Treatments are much more comfortable now and don't take as long. Today is a perfect time to start!

If you're ready to begin your child's orthodontic journey, let's think about it as more than just straightening teeth. It's about increasing your kid's confidence and setting them up for a healthy future.

A young patient smiling with confidence as he shows off his TenBrook Candy Braces.

New Year, Fresh Start

During the new year, we often think about starting fresh, setting goals, and trying new things. For your child, beginning orthodontic treatment can be one of those inspiring new starts. Think about it: braces aren't just a path to a great smile; they're a journey towards personal growth and a big boost in self-confidence.

When discussing health resolutions for the new year, we often think about diet or exercise. But what about oral health? It's a crucial part of our overall well-being. Starting your child on their orthodontic journey is a solid step towards ensuring their oral health is strong, impacting their overall well-being.

If you've been considering braces for your child, this new year might be the perfect opportunity. It's a chance to align their oral health goals with the optimism that comes with the start of 2024.

A happy mom smiling with her son as he starts orthodontics with TenBrook T1 Braces.

Advancements in Orthodontic Technology

You might remember braces as a hassle when you were younger, but things have changed significantly. The latest advancements in this field have made treatments much more comfortable for kids. Plus, the duration of treatment has gotten shorter, which is a big win for busy families.

Have you heard about TenBrook orthodontic technology? It's one of the latest things in braces. These aren't your typical braces; they are designed to be aesthetic and comfortable, which is a huge relief for kids who are self-conscious about wearing them. The idea is to make the journey with braces as smooth as possible.

Another game-changer has been using modern diagnostic tools, like 3D imaging. This technology helps orthodontists to be very precise in their treatment plans. It means better results, often in less time, which benefits parents and kids. These kinds of advancements make the present such a great time to start your child's orthodontic treatment.

Dr. TenBrook explaining a treatment plan to a new patient with an iTero® 3D digital scan.

Maximizing Insurance Benefits and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

Now, let's discuss the financial side of orthodontic treatment. Understanding your dental insurance and how it covers orthodontics can greatly help. And if you've got a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), you're in an even better position.

At the start of the year, getting a handle on what your insurance covers regarding braces is wise. Every policy is different, so knowing the details can help you plan better. Also, if you have an FSA, remember that you can use these pre-tax dollars for orthodontic expenses, which can be a big help.

Timing is everything. It's a good idea to align your consultations and treatment start dates with your insurance and FSA cycles. You can maximize your benefits and reduce out-of-pocket expenses by getting everything lined up early in the year.

Aligning Treatment with School Calendars

Starting your child's orthodontic treatment early in the year has another significant advantage – it aligns well with their school calendars. Planning the start of treatment around school breaks, like spring or summer vacation, can make things much easier for you and your child.

We all know things can get pretty hectic with homework, sports, and other activities during the school year. So, scheduling check-ups during less busy times can be a real lifesaver. It's all about making the treatment process smooth and stress-free.

Also, it's worth considering how orthodontic appointments might fit around your child's school activities. Having TenBrook braces minimizes your time going to the orthodontist and maximizes your activity time for busy schedules. This is one of the biggest benefits of our T1 Braces. By minimizing the impact of orthodontic appointments on your school calendar, you can help your child have a more positive and hassle-free orthodontic experience.

“I love my T1 Braces because I spend more time playing soccer than visiting the doctor!”

Long-Term Vision for the Year

When we think about braces, having a long-term vision is essential. The orthodontic journey seems like a commitment now, but the benefits are well worth it. We're talking about more than just straight teeth here; we're setting our kids up for a lifetime of good dental health and the confidence that comes with a great smile.

Imagine looking back at the end of the year and seeing not just the physical transformation in your child's smile but also the boost in their self-esteem. This is what makes orthodontic treatment such a valuable investment. It's not just for the here and now – it's about giving them a positive, healthy self-image that will last well into their future.

As we move through 2024, let's remember that bigger picture. Starting orthodontic treatment this year is a decision that will pay off for years to come, both in your child's health and their self-assurance.

From bullied to beautiful smile, see the difference TenBrook Orthodontics made for Austin.


Beginning orthodontic treatment in the new year isn't just about achieving a beautiful smile; it's a step towards improving your child's confidence and contributing to their long-term oral health. The latest advancements in orthodontic technology make the process more comfortable and efficient.

As you set your family's health goals for 2024, consider the lasting impact a straight, healthy smile can have on your child's life. It's about more than just aesthetics; it's about giving them the confidence to shine and ensuring their oral health is on track.

As you prepare to take this first step towards your child's new smile in 2024, contact us for help! Our professional, friendly orthodontists and staff are ready to assist you in your child's orthodontic journey. A great place to start is with a free virtual or in-person consultation!

Orthodontics is a decision that will bring positive changes to your child – not just for this year, but for many years to come.

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